Our Mission: To promote understanding, healing, growth, and community for people experiencing or impacted by religious transition.

All donations are tax-deductible and go towards the following services:

  • Support all of the OSF podcasts, including Mormon Stories, Mormon Matters, A Thoughtful Faith, Mormon Transitions, and Mormon Mental Health.
  • Grow and stabilize support communities for Mormons in religious transition.
  • Developing academic research to support Mormons in religious transition.
  • Support ongoing organizational operations, staff, infrastructure.

The Open Stories Foundation podcasts, communities, and research are designed for questioning Mormons, liberal/progressive Mormons, and post-Mormons alike.  Our mission is to promote understanding, healing, growth, and community for people experiencing or impacted by religious transition.

Specific questions about how to change/edit a donation through DonorBox Click here

Specific questions about how to change/ edit a donation thought PayPal  Click here

Click here to learn more about the OSF board members. Note: You'll need to scroll to the bottom of the page to see them.

The OSF Board can be reached at openstoriesboard@gmail.com. They will do their best to respond to all questions within 24 hrs.

Click here to learn about the main offerings of the OSF.

Donations go directly to keeping the Open Stories Foundation organization alive. Expenses include podcaster compensation, audio/video editing, website/software monthly fees, bank fees, equipment, marketing, etc.


The Open Stories Foundation mission is to promote understanding, healing, growth, and community for people experiencing or impacted by religious transition. Some of the services we provide include: podcasts, videos, on-line and in-person communities, workshops, retreats, and other support services.


We’ll deliver valuable content, updates, and great resources without invading your mailbox.